Guides & Resources

What is needed to apply for a SBA Loan

Applying for a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan can be a daunting process, but it is well worth the effort for business owners who need extra capital. The SBA provides financing to start or expand small businesses, and the loan terms are more favorable than those of other lenders. To apply for an SBA loan, you will need to meet certain criteria and provide the necessary documentation and information.

Matthew Elling

April 26, 2023

Applying for a Small Business Administration (SBA) loan can be a daunting process, but it is well worth the effort for business owners who need extra capital. The SBA provides financing to start or expand small businesses, and the loan terms are more favorable than those of other lenders. To apply for an SBA loan, you will need to meet certain criteria and provide the necessary documentation and information. 

First, you must meet the eligibility requirements for an SBA loan. Generally, you must be a small business with 500 employees or fewer, and the business must be for-profit. The business must also be operating legally in the United States and meet the size standards set by the SBA. Additionally, the business must be able to demonstrate a need for financing and be able to repay the loan. 

Once you have determined that you meet the eligibility requirements, you will need to collect the necessary documents and information to complete your application. This includes information about your business’s financials, such as your balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. You should also provide the SBA with your business plan, which should include information about your products or services, operations, marketing strategies, and financial projections. 

Before you apply, check to see if you qualify.

No application or obligation.